I believe, from a management perspective, change is easy. You might be laughing now, given that there’s many courses available and much training dedicated to change management, but I have...
What if I were to tell you that there is a thing inside every body that can steer people away from their goals, veer people into their darkest places and...
The basic unit of memory is a story - cause and effect. Originally tuned for survival, with the addition of imagination, stories are the bedrock of our lives. Self esteem...
# The first principle of training is that practice and learning must prepare you for reality. Depending on the stakes and standards involved, this may mean preparing trainees for experiences...
There is a proverb that says, “A person who has their health has a 1,000 wishes. A person who does not have their health only has one”
Whenever I’ve tried to change a behaviour, I always chose to develop systems, rules and pushing my agenda as a default. I was a Bulldozer. Recently I’ve had a different...
Rewind to 13-years ago, I’m reading a curiously worn paperback… the story of a man, who refused to watch the news… I laughed the book away, but later it bit...
We all seek to connect with one another. Some we see as attention seekers, greedily consuming all before us… some we see as shy… and others choose to rebel! All...
Absorb what is useful, Discard what is not, Add what is uniquely your own.
Imagine for a moment, you’re way high in the sky… stood upon a white fluffy cloud. It has the texture of the bubbles of a bath… but firmer, more gel-like…...
It begins in Classical Greece, in a vast banquet hall sealed in marble. Guests are scattered around a great table, jovially chatting together. Simonides has had a good night and...
There is a frustration that boils in my blood. That frustration is paper. Not that paper itself is frustrating… but that every technology out there fails horribly in comparison to...
I’ve just spent the better part of this weekend having fun with a new app called “Automate” for Android. If you’ve ever had the experience of linking apps through IFTTT...
I was walking down a well trodden path, natures grasses and plants flowing in the wind… a keilidoscopic treasure trove of vivid purples, deep blue hues and a wonderful feeling...
It all started with a conversation with a friendly taxi driver. I’d seen him before in a compact, luxury car and noticed this was quite a bit larger. He’d not...
Today, I’ve opened my eyes to a new way of seeing, that reminds me of the youthful exploration and sense of fun I once enjoyed. Damn it sucks to be...
Is profit your motivator?.. or might there be something more fundamental? I’ve experienced a confluence of conversations, written ideas and experience over the last few days that’s led me to...
Just like plants, we need nourishment and the right environment. For humans, that means food, water and more… but there are also emotional needs we have. When these are not...
Many years ago, I was a self-improvement junkie. I felt I had to be everything I could possibly be, or nothing. I measured myself against a standard no man could...
The power of a good speech can rouse me, but an oustanding speech astounds me. I’ve never been someone who listens deeply to language, but that changed not too long...
When you can forget about structure, form can take on a completely different meaning. As I’m writing this, I have a curious question in my mind. Am I writing… An...
…and asking better questions Extracted from a conversation with a friend on Thursday 24 August 2017 and later edited. Context I find it’s very much a case of checking the...
At first I thought $4.99/month seemed too expensive for a notepad app. What I found though, completely transformed the way I write, and the way I look at writing. Previously...
Dear DTC Team, I’m writing to you today to say thanks. I wish I could recall the names of every person who helped me, but I’m terrible with names &...